October 12, 2016
Daniel Millett
"NO KILL BEE RELOCATION AND GREEN SOLUTIONS Killer Bee Pest Control, Inc. has serviced our family and friends for years. They are local, communicate well, fully licensed, insured, carry workers comp and liability insurance, making their service call to MY HOME a no gamble business decision. I have see them get burned by people copying their name or not being a legal business. I've seen them come back on warranty calls a year later to repair something the homeowners handyman did not have the skill to repair. Every technician is fully trained, licensed, approved by California Department of Agriculture, and trained by the support staff with decades of experience. Killer Bee Pest Control, Inc. is expert in the NO KILL RELOCATION of bees as well as removing bees from a structure, cleanup processes from honey melt, and repair from damage of a variety of pests. THEY WARRANTY THEIR WORK!!!"